Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Hey, It’s Been a While

It's been a while, hasn't it?

Almost six months since I wrote my last blog post. I'm still having trouble with this darn keyboard. About one typing error for every five words, in fact. And my left foot gives me problems. And when I get excited, I can't remember words. But other than that, I'm doing great.

I exercise about an hour and a half to two hours a day.

The atrial fibrillation diagnosis I had in July has held up and I tolerate the medication well. It turns out that atrial fib is related to sleep apnea so I've been getting sleep tested and fitted for one of those machines. It's very quiet though: the cat sleeps on my chest while it runs. So life goes on.

But I've also been busy in other areas of my life.

Late November saw us on a road trip to Savannah, GA. It's some place I've long wanted to see. We took three days to drive down and three days to drive back, since I'm not driving any more. That was hard at times.

We toured the old, historic city; drank in its bars, ate in its restaurants; and stopped in Myrtle Beach for some early Christmas shopping on the way home.

And then at New Years, we flew to Los Angeles for the wedding of my cousin's oldest son. The weather was in the 60's Fahrenheit and we also took my mom for the occasion. We saw my uncles and the ocean. The Atlantic and the Pacific together in little over a month. It was good.

So this post is keeping a promise I made last Friday evening, that I would get back to writing my blog. I checked the stats on it earlier today and was surprised that, on average, eight people a day are still visiting it. Can't let my loyal readers down, can I?