Monday, June 14, 2010

Mike Harris, Ph.D'Oh!

I see where the Ontario Teachers Federation has its knickers in a knot over Nipissing University's decision to award Mike Harris an honourary degree. The very idea has them so unhinged, they've threatened to take out their pique on teacher candidates from Nip U.'s education program.

I say these poor kids have suffered enough. Bad enough their school years were blighted by Mike's "reforms", but now they've got to carry the stigma all their lives of having graduated from an alma mater that granted him an honourary degree. Oh, the Humanities!

Anyway, this isn't a first for Nipissing.

Remember when their Womens' Studies program granted an honourary PHD (Professional Horn Dog) to Tiger Woods for his efforts to assist nocturnal hospitality workers?

And when the English Department recognized Sarah Palin, for "her impassioned eloquence, that speaks to all that's best in Nipissing", well, no one made a peep.

Of course, there was that minor flap over who was going to give the convocation address to the Business School, Conrad Black or Bernie Madoff. That turned out for the best though, as scheduling conflicts meant neither gentleman could attend, and BP CEO Tony Hayward was able to fill in at the last minute.

So to the Ontario Teachers Federation, I say lay off Nipissing, and lay off Mike. This is his one chance to get a degree.

And to all you Nipissing grads readying your commencement outfits, remember: the eye holes go on the front, and paper, not plastic.

1 comment:

  1. 'Nuf said - I'm convinced! I'm hiring Nip edu grads - I'm sure I have some policy documents somewhere that need shredding...
